
Scheduling seminar

Objective of a virtual seminar on scheduling research and applications is to discuss both the field's newest advancements and survey traditional areas. Seminars take place typically on every second Wednesday through three different time zones (Europe, the Middle East & Africa, North America & South America, and Asia, Australia & Oceania).

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Upcoming talks

Scheduling divisible loads

Maciej Drozdowski
(Poznań U. of Tech.)

[Invited by]
Zdeněk Hanzálek
(CTU in Prague)
UTC Oct 23, 13:00 Wed
Prague Oct 23, 15:00 Wed
New York Oct 23, 09:00 Wed
Shanghai Oct 23, 21:00 Wed

Operational scheduling in automotive industry

Hugo Chareyre

[Invited by]
Zdeněk Hanzálek
(CTU in Prague)
UTC Nov 6, 14:00 Wed
Prague Nov 6, 15:00 Wed
New York Nov 6, 09:00 Wed
Shanghai Nov 6, 22:00 Wed

Hexaly Optimizer for Scheduling

Philippe Laborie

[Invited by]
Zdeněk Hanzálek
(CTU in Prague)
UTC Nov 20, 14:00 Wed
Prague Nov 20, 15:00 Wed
New York Nov 20, 09:00 Wed
Shanghai Nov 20, 22:00 Wed

Past talks (58)

Machine Learning meets Selection Hyper-heuristics

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Ender Ozcan
(Uni of Nottingham)
Keywords: Intelligent decision support, Hyper-heuristics, Metaheuristics, Machine learning

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

New Support Size Bounds for Integer Programming, Applied to Makespan Minimization on Uniformly Related Machines

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Matthias Mnich
(TU Hamburg)
Keywords: Uniformly related machine scheduling, Makespan minimization, Efficient approximation schemes, Mixed-integer linear programming

[Invited by] Dvir Shabtay (Ben Gurion Uni)

Maximizing stability of assembly line balancing schedules under uncertain task duration

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André Rossi
(Universite PSL)
Keywords: Operations research, Integer linear programming, Decomposition methods

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Robustness in personnel rostering

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Pieter Smet
(KU Leuven)
Keywords: Personnel rostering, Robustness, On-call shift rostering, Operations research, Machine learning

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

The CP-SAT solver

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Laurent Perron
(Google France)
Keywords: Constraint programming, SAT solver, Integer linear programming

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Scheduling in the e-commerce era: New scheduling problems in order fulfilment and warehousing

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Nils Boysen
(University of Jena)
Keywords: Warehousing, E-commerce, Order fulfillment scheduling, Synchronization, Classification

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

A Matheuristic for the Generalized Order Acceptance and Scheduling Problem

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Ceyda Oğuz
(Koç University)
Keywords: Order acceptance and scheduling, Matheuristic, Variable neighborhood search, Tabu search

[Invited by] Michael Pinedo (New York Uni)

Minimizing the Weighted Number of Tardy Jobs is W[1]-hard

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Klaus Heeger
(Ben Gurion Uni)
Keywords: Single-machine scheduling, Parameterized complexity, Number of numbers

[Invited by] Michael Pinedo (New York Uni)

A Subexponential Time Algorithm for Makespan Scheduling of Unit Jobs with Precedence Constraints

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Céline Swennenhuis
(ALGO, TU Eindhov.)
Keywords: Scheduling, Subexponential time, Precedence constraints

[Invited by] Michael Pinedo (New York Uni)

Enhancing project resilience: a risk-averse approach to payment delays

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Maria Elena Bruni
(Uni of Calabria)
Keywords: Scheduling under uncertainty and risk, Payment delays, Net Present Value, Cash flow analysis

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Fixed Parameter Tractability of scheduling dependent typed tasks with time windows

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Claire Hanen
(Sorbonne U., LIP6)
Keywords: Parameterized complexity, Typed tasks, Precedence constraints, Fixed parameter tractable algorithm

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek
(CTU in Prague)

Single-machine scheduling with an external resource

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Dirk Briskorn
(Uni of Wuppertal)
Keywords: Scheduling, Single-machine scheduling, External resource, Complexity, Pseudo-polynomial algorithm

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Single machine scheduling in additive manufacturing with two-dimensional packing constraints

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Kan Fang
(Tianjin University)
Keywords: Scheduling, Additive manufacturing, Two-dimensional bin packing, Approximation algorithm, Combinatorial Benders decomposition

[Invited by] Michael Pinedo (New York Uni)

Scheduling with Machine-Dependent Priority Lists

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Tami Tamir
(Reichman Uni)
Keywords: Machines' priority lists, Coordinated mechanisms, Minimum completion time, Equilibrium inefficiency

[Invited by] Michael Pinedo (New York Uni)

Surgery Scheduling: Research and Practice

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Vikram Tiwari
(Vanderbilt Uni)
Keywords: Surgery, Scheduling, Operating Room, Healthcare, Capacity Management, Optimization

[Invited by] Michael Pinedo (New York Uni)

Conflict-Free Crane Scheduling in a Seaport Terminal

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Erwin Pesch
(Uni of Siegen)
Keywords: Logistics, Scheduling, Stacking cranes, Container terminal, Branch and cut

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Sports scheduling: from consulting to science

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Dries Goossens
(Ghent University)
Keywords: Sports scheduling, Unified data format, International timetabling competition, Benchmarking, Instance space analysis, Algorithm selection

[Invited by] Chris Potts (Southampton Uni)

The Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with Flexible Resource Profiles: Models, Methods, and Applications

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Rainer Kolisch
(TU Munich)
Keywords: Project scheduling, Flexible resource profiles, Work content, MIP-formulations, Metaheuristic, Applications

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Optimal solving of scheduling problems on D-Wave quantum machines

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Wojciech Božejko
(Poli Wrocławska)
Keywords: Scheduling, Quantum Annealing, Single machine, Exact algorithm

[Invited by] Přemysl Šůcha (CTU in Prague)

Cooperative Games Models for Scheduling Problems

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Xiangtong Qi
Keywords: Scheduling, Cooperative game, Core

[Invited by] Michael Pinedo (New York Uni)

Scheduling with Machine Learning

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Hyun-Jung Kim
Keywords: Scheduling, Manufacturing Systems, Machine Learning, Real Applications

[Invited by] Michael Pinedo (New York Uni)

The Marriage of Matheuristics and Scheduling

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Vincent T’kindt
(Uni de Tours)
Keywords: Machine scheduling, Mathematical Programming, Heuristics

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Constructive and destructive bounds for the m-machine scheduling problem

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Jacques Carlier
(Sorbonne Uni)
Keywords: Scheduling, Cumulative resource, Lower bound, Algorithms, Energetic reasoning

[Invited by] Christian Artigues (LAAS - CNRS)

Recent advances in flow time scheduling

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Lars Rohwedder
(Maastricht University)
Keywords: Scheduling, Flow time, Integer programming, Discrepancy, Dynamic programming

[Invited by] Jan Karel Lenstra (CWI)

Synchronous flow shop scheduling problems

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Sigrid Knust
(Uni of Osnabrück)
Keywords: Scheduling, Flow shop, Synchronized movement, Shelf board production

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Scheduling machines subject to unrecoverable failures and other related stochastic sequencing problems

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Alessandro Agnetis
(University of Siena)
Keywords: Scheduling, Machine breakdowns, Testing

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Scheduling with Speed Predictions

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Clifford Stein
(Columbia Uni)
Keywords: Scheduling, Machine learning, Predictions, On-line algorithms

[Invited by] Michael Pinedo (New York Uni)

Vehicle routing: A focus on heuristic design

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Greet Vanden Berghe
(KU Leuven)
Keywords: Vehicle routing, Local search operators, Ruin and recreate, Spatial slack, Capacity slack, Fleet minimization

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Synchronous DataFlow: A survival guide

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Alix Munier Kordon
(Sorbonne U., LIP6)
Keywords: Synchronous DataFlow, Precedence constraints, Normalization, Liveness, Throughput evaluation

[Invited by] Claire Hanen (Sorbonne Uni)

Dynamic Interday and Intraday Scheduling

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Christos Zacharias
(University of Miami)
Keywords: Dynamic programming, Discrete convexity, Stochastic models, Appointment scheduling

[Invited by] Michael Pinedo (New York Uni)

On Polyhedral Approaches to Scheduling Problems

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Maurice Queyranne
(Sauder School, UBC)
Keywords: Scheduling, Polyhedra, Formulations

[Invited by] Michael Pinedo (New York Uni)

Learning-Augmented Online Algorithms for Scheduling and Routing

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Nicole Megow
(Universität Bremen)
Keywords: Scheduling under uncertainty, Algorithms with predictions, Learning-augmented algorithms, Non-clairvoyant scheduling, Online TSP

[Invited by] Michael Pinedo (New York Uni)

Past, present and future of time-dependent scheduling

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Stanislaw Gawiejnowicz
(AMU Poznañ)
Keywords: Time-dependent scheduling, Variable job processing times, Approximation algorithms, Approximation schemes, Heuristics, Single machine, Parallel machines, Dedicated machines

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Data Science Meets Scheduling                                           

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Patrick De Causmaecker
(KU Leuven)
Keywords: Data Science, Machine learning, Combinatorial optimization, Scheduling, Algorithms, Landscape analysis, Automated tuning, Automated construction, Automated selection, Instance hardness

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Scheduling and Energy – Industrial Challenges and Opportunities

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Iiro Harjunkoski
(Hitachi Energy)
Keywords: Energy, MILP, Bilevel optimization, Real-world application, Industry, Sustainability

[Invited by] Přemysl Šůcha (CTU in Prague)

Constraint Programming for Scheduling                         

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Pascal Van Hentenryck
(Georgia Tech)
Keywords: Constraint programming, Scheduling, Machine learning, Hybrid optimization

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Mixed integer linear programming for resource-constrained scheduling

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Christian Artigues
Keywords: Mixed-integer linear programming (MILP), Resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP), solvers, relaxation, CP, SAT

[Invited by] Rainer Kolisch (TU Munich)

Scheduling Problems in Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Facilities: Part 2

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Lars Mönch
(Uni of Hagen)
Keywords: Scheduling, Batching, Semiconductor manufacturing, Decomposition methods

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Scheduling Problems in Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Facilities: Part 1

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John W. Fowler
(Arizona State Univ.)
Keywords: Semiconductor Manufacturing, Scheduling

[Invited by] Michael Pinedo (New York Uni)

Scheduling Heuristics for Steelmaking Continuous Casting Processes

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Kangbok Lee
Keywords: Steelmaking-continuous casting, Hybrid flow shop, Mixed-integer programming, Matheuristic

[Invited by] Michael Pinedo (New York Uni)

Public transit planning and scheduling based on AVL data in China

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Yindong Shen
(AIA Huazhong Uni)
Keywords: Public transit planning, Vehicle scheduling, Timetabling, AVL data, Public transport

[Invited by] Guohua Wan (Shanghai Jiao Tong)

On the Parameterized Complexity of Machine Scheduling Problems

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Dvir Shabtay
(Ben Gurion Uni)
Keywords: Scheduling, NP-hard, Fixed parameterized tractability (FPT), Algorithmic design, Optimization

[Invited by] Michael Pinedo (New York Uni)

State-of-the-art flowshop scheduling heuristics: Dos and Don'ts

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Rubén Ruiz
(UP de València)
Keywords: Scheduling, Flowshop, Heuristics, Metaheuristics, Iterated greedy

[Invited by] G. Vanden Berghe (KU Leuven)

Three models for scheduling under explorable uncertainty

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Christoph Dürr
(Sorbonne Uni)
Keywords: Scheduling, uncertainty, Sum of completion times, Processing time oracle, Competitive ratio

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Tabu search for the time-dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows on a road network

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Michel Gendreau
(Polytech Montréal)
Keywords: Routing, Time windows, Time-dependent travel times, Road network, Tabu search

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Train Scheduling: Models, decomposition methods and practice

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Carlo Mannino
(SINTEF & Oslo Uni.)
Keywords: Train scheduling, Job-shop scheduling, Combinatorial optimization, Integer programming, Decomposition methods

[Invited by] Alessandro Agnetis (University of Siena)

Machine Learning for Scheduling                                      

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Benjamin Moseley
(Carnegie Mellon)
Keywords: Scheduling, Learning augmented, Optimization, Sample complexity, Robustness, Error, Competitive, Approximation

[Invited by] Clifford Stein (Columbia Uni)

The Longest Processing Time Rule for Identical Parallel Machines Revisited

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Federico Della Croce
(DIGEP - Polito.it)
Keywords: Identical parallel machine scheduling, LPT rule, Linear programming, Approximation

[Invited by] Vincent T’kindt (Uni de Tours)

The Benefit of Preemption                                                    

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Leah Epstein
(University of Haifa)
Keywords: Preemptive scheduling, Uniformly related machines, Total completion time, Makespan

[Invited by] Dvir Shabtay (Ben Gurion Uni)

Dynamic Opponent Choice in Tournaments                    

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Nicholas G. Hall
(The Ohio State Uni)
Keywords: Multiple round sports tournament, Choice of opponent, Performance criteria, Professional tennis

[Invited by] Mario Vanhoucke (Ghent University)

Educational Timetabling: Problems, Benchmarks, Algorithms, and Practical Issues

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Andrea Schaerf
(Uni of Udine)
Keywords: Timetabling, Scheduling, Optimization, Metaheuristics, Local Search

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Challenges in Healthcare Scheduling Applications        

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Michael Carter
(Uni of Toronto)
Keywords: Healthcare scheduling applications, Diagnostic imaging, Cancer treatment (chemotherapy and radiation), Nurse/physician scheduling, Surgical scheduling, 911 call centres, Home care routing, Medical resident scheduling and primary care appointments

[Invited by] Michael Pinedo (New York Uni)

Updated complexity results in single-machine primary-secondary sched. for min. two regular criteria

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Jinjiang Yuan
(Zhengzhou Univ.)
Keywords: Single-machine scheduling, Promary-secondary criteria, Computational complexity

[Invited by] Guohua Wan (Shanghai Jiao Tong)

On the State of the Art in Proactive/Reactive Project Scheduling

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Erik Demeulemeester
(FEB-KBI, KU Leuven)
Keywords: Project scheduling, Stochastic activity durations, Proactive/reactive scheduling, Markov decision process

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Efficient Algorithms and Provably Good Solutions for NP-hard Scheduling Problems

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Martin Skutella
(TU Berlin)
Keywords: Machine scheduling, List scheduling, Approximation algorithm, Performance guarantee, Total weighted completion time

[Invited by] Zdeněk Hanzálek (CTU in Prague)

Data Analytics and Optimization for Production, Logistics and Energy Scheduling

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Lixin Tang
(North. Uni, Shenyang)
Keywords: Production scheduling, Logistics scheduling, Energy scheduling, Data analytics, System optimization, Engineering application

[Invited by] Guohua Wan (Shanghai Jiao Tong)

Recent Breakthroughs in Stochastic Scheduling Theory

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Mor Harchol-Balter
Keywords: Stochastic scheduling, Job scheduling, M/G/1, M/G/k, SRPT, Shortest-job-first, Gittins, Queuing theory, Priority queues, Preemption, Data centers, High variability, Job sizes, SOAP, Sigmetrics, Performance modeling, Google workloads

[Invited by] Michael Pinedo (New York Uni)

Elements of Scheduling

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Jan Karel Lenstra
David Shmoys
(Cornell University)
Keywords: Scheduling, Scheduling history, Classification, Complexity, Online analysis, Data-driven decision-making, Algorithmic game theory

[Invited by] Michael Pinedo (New York University)


PC co-chairs

Zdeněk Hanzálek
CTU in Prague
Michael Pinedo
New York Uni
Guohua Wan
Shanghai Jiao Tong


Program committee

Alessandro Agnetis
University of Siena
M. Selim Akturk
Bilkent University
Christian Artigues
Sanjoy Baruah
Washington U, STL
Edmund Burke
Uni of Leicester
Zhi-Long Chen
Uni of Maryland
Liang Gao
HUST, Wuhan
Nicholas G. Hall
The Ohio State Uni
Claire Hanen
Sorbonne Uni
Sigrid Knust
Uni of Osnabrück
Rainer Kolisch
TU Munich
Mikhail Kovalyov
UIIP NAS Belarus
Kangbok Lee
Chung-Lun Li
Hong Kong PolyU
Bertrand Lin
NCTU, Taiwan
Hirofumi Matsuo
TIU, Tokyo
Erwin Pesch
Uni of Siegen
Marc Posner
The Ohio State Uni
Chris Potts
Southampton Uni
Xiangtong Qi
Rhonda Righter
UC Berkeley
Rubén Ruiz
UP València
Andrea Schaerf
Uni of Udine
Dvir Shabtay
Ben Gurion Uni
Roman Słowiński
Poznań Uni Tech.
Stephen Smith
Clifford Stein
Columbia Uni
Přemysl Šůcha
CTU in Prague
Vincent T'kindt
Uni de Tours
Li-Xin Tang
NEU, Shenyang
Reza Tavakkoli
Uni of Tehran
Marc Uetz
Uni of Twente
G. Vanden Berghe
KU Leuven
Mario Vanhoucke
Ghent University
Yakov Zinder
UT Sydney


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